Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing For Law Firms.

In today's world, having a social media presence has become an essential element of doing business. A law firm that does not participate in public discussions on at least one or two social media platforms is essentially invisible. That said, social media posts for lawyers can be a confusing concept. Law firms still struggle to create effective social media marketing methods that generate interaction and good leads. This is a significant mistake because a strong social media presence may assist lawyers attracting new clients and developing valuable relationships.

Reach Your More Of Your Potential Clients.

As an attorney, you're paid to be a superb communicator—but are you as successful when it comes to social media marketing to your target demographic? It might be simple to overlook the enormous influence of social media while figuring out how to market your law firm. The idea of having to constantly send tweets, likes, and shares may appear time-consuming at first, so it may appear easier to just avoid social media altogether—but this could be a big blunder for your law firm. Social media allows you to reach a wide audience. According to the ABA's 2018 Survey, 35% of those who use social media channels for professional purposes have acquired new clients. The result is even more promising for small businesses: 42% obtain fresh business through social media marketing.

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Facebook Posts For Lawyers.

Leverage Facebook posts to increase your reach.

According to a recent Attorney at Work survey, 96% of more than 300 attorneys polled utilize social media for their law firms. Additionally, 70% of those surveyed claimed that their use of social media is part of their overall law firm marketing strategy. Facebook is getting more love than ever — 80% of lawyers responding say they use it regularly, up from 72% from the previous year. Twitter use is growing, too. Last year, 47 per cent of lawyers said they regularly use Twitter — that has jumped to 59 percent. LinkedIn is still No. 1 among lawyers, but it is lagging a bit — 89 percent reported using it regularly last year compared with 84 percent this year.

Highly Engaging & Relevant Posts.

It's not always about posting about who you are and what you do. People are overwhelmed with the "Have you bee hurt in an accident? Contact XYZ Law today." Instead of being like all the other lawyers on social media, try posting valuable information related to your legal practice. For example, if you're a personal injury lawyer, make a post about the most recent truck accident statistics. This type of informational content can be valuable and engaging to your audience. Although it may not convert right away, if someone who viewed your social media post about truck accident statistics in the past gets into a truck-related accident, there's a real chance that they remember your post and pick up the phone to call you. Providing value first is often overlooked in marketing strategies, but can be some of the most effective ways to generate clients organically.

social media posts for lawyers
LinkedIn For Lawyers.

LinkedIn Branding For Law Firms.

One of the most popular social networks utilized by organizations in all sectors is LinkedIn. It's intended for professionals and showcases your expertise, content, and more. There are now about 660 million active users on LinkedIn. The goal of LinkedIn is to connect people. For example, you may link with existing and potential clients, as well as possible referral sources, all in one position on the site. By allowing others to give you endorsements and recommendations on your profile, LinkedIn also helps you develop your reputation. Your law firm's LinkedIn profile is a direct representation of your brand and quality of service you offer, make sure your telling the right story to your potential clients.

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I'd be Happy Meet With You To Discuss All Of Your Business Needs.

The best time to invest in your business's digital transformation was yesterday. Every day, the value of an effective online presence becomes more and more important for a business's success. I've personally worked with dozens of companies and spearheaded countless successful digital campaigns designed to increase online visibility and increase sales. Reach out to me today and let's talk about how we can take your business to the next level.

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