Coffee Shop Website Design


Your coffee shop website design is often the first impression of your business for most people. What is your current website saying about your coffee shop?

Your Website Says A Lot About You

Your coffee shop website is one of your most important assets. More often than not, new customers will visit your website first before they decide to come to your store. In order to win them over and secure that store visit and inevitable sale, you need a professional and engaging coffee shop website design. Think about it, are you more likely to get a tattoo from a parlor with a professional website or from another parlor with a low quality and hard to navigate website? Odds are you’re going to pick the first one. Why? Because quality matters and potential customers will project the quality of your website on to the quality of your coffee shop products, whether it’s true or not. Incorporating a professional, engaging, and responsive website design to your coffee shop digital marketing strategy can result in significant growth now and in the future.

Whether it’s showcasing your coffee products and branding on the home page or a comprehensive menu page that details everything available in your coffee shop, the more you can give to your website visitors, the better. User intent is the most important factor when creating your coffee shop website. Think about it this way, if you were looking for a new coffee shop in your area, what would you want to see on a coffee shop’s website to convince you to go there? There’s plenty of things you could add, but some of the biggest include:

Interested in a Custom Coffee Shop Website Design?

Web design and coffee are two passions of mine, so naturally, I gravitated to specializing in designing websites for coffee shops. My mission is to provide high-quality websites at an affordable cost with a 100% money-back guarantee. 

Set Your Coffee Shop Apart From the Rest

On average, if people are given only given fifteen minutes to consume content, 66% of them would prefer to see something beautifully and professionally designed compared to a plain and simple website. Your coffee shop website design is an important part of your online marketing presence. To build a better website for your coffee shop, you need to understand the art and the technology that creates stunning websites. The value that a high-quality website can add to a small business is gigantic when done correctly.

Need some more convincing? Odds are your competitors are already utilizing a strategic website design. If you want to remain in competition with them and ultimately surpass them, a high-quality coffee shop website design is a must. Your goal should be for your website to stand out from the others. Whether that’s through the overall design, interactivity, navigation, etc. giving your customers all of the features they could ever want is a great way to improve your website. If you have an old, outdated, and low-quality website, your competitors will outrank you. Google is committed to providing the best user experience for its searchers, and that starts with preferring websites that utilize the latest and greatest website technology and best practices. This means you’ll lose leads and potential sales to your competitors if you’re website isn’t utilizing these. Competitor websites will rank higher in the search results, attract more leads, and ultimately produce more customers in their stores. Your website’s design is an opportunity for you to set your business apart from the competition. A new study found that 3 out of 4 people judge your business’s overall credibility from the design of your website. Remember, when you’re competing with other coffee shops you generally have the same services and pricing. One of the most effective ways to stand out is by improving your coffee shop digital marketing strategy, starting with your website.

Is Your Website Responsive on Mobile?

Ensuring that your coffee shop website is optimized for mobile devices is essential today and every day going forward. Believe it or not, the way your website appears on a mobile device overshadows how it appears on a computer. Today, over 70% of all Google searches are from smartphones. It’s safe to say that mobile-friendly websites are the new normal. In fact, Google now prioritizes websites in the results that are mobile responsive because of the overwhelming growth of searches from mobile devices over the past few years.  

More often than not, when someone is searching for a nice cup of coffee on a Sunday morning, they’ll pick up their phone and search “coffee shop near me” or something along those lines. Local SEO plays a big role in helping your website appear for a search like that, but coming in as a close second is your website mobile optimization. In 2020, consumers expect all websites to be mobile responsive. They expect to be able to click on your coffee shop website design on their phone and be able to easily understand and navigate your site. If your website is not mobile responsive, and right now over 80% of all small business websites are not, then it’s likely that your potential customer will bounce from your website to another competitor whose website is optimized for mobile. Just because your business is doing well, doesn’t mean it couldn’t be doing better. Taking the time to optimize your coffee shop website for mobile devices is an excellent way to improve the overall quality of your website and enhance the experience for users who are using it. Unsure if your website is currently mobile friendly? You can check to see if it is using Google’s mobile-friendly test.

Create the Website of Your Dreams

I’ve worked with countless clients throughout my digital marketing career, and I’ve learned that the best website designs come through collaboration. I don’t just build you a website, I take the time to learn your brand and your customer base to help create the perfect online experience. Your website is one of the biggest assets you have as a business owner; I understand that more than most people. My goal is to not just be your coffee shop website designer, but also your partner. Your success is my success, let’s get to work!